Summer bedding

The summer bedding has arrived. The gardeners were pulling out all the spring bedding yesterday ready for summer bedding at the Unit. It reminds me of when I was a gardener, but I can resist temptation to get involved with the planting.
I imagine I’ll miss them all in bloom if I’m moving on though. The daffodils were nice though, and all the winter bedding. Now it looks very bare.


I’m playing my guitar regular in the Mac Unit, where I have quite a fan club now, but I’m running out of tunes, meaning I have to learn some more using my new laptop, often interrupted by dropouts.

Dave my ward neighbour had a bit of a dodgy turn last night. He was complaining of freezing and the nurses gathered round professionally and drew the curtains closed. Dave eats like a horse and makes me jealous, but it’s probably because he has something serious wrong with him. They feed him all he wants though. They give you anything you want here, including booze from the Jolly Trolly. I had a lager this morning.

Grahame had a bit of a turn as well but he’s well again now

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