
I was diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus in January 2014. The endoscopy tore my esophagus and resulted in bleeding which was hard to stop. The next day I had a heart attack. The combination of these factors meant they would not do surgery, which they had thought best at first. It would have been dangerous and unethical.1010559_10152178833722284_685724769_n

After two blood transfusions I was given radiotherapy to cauterize the area and prevent infection, which it did. They don’t seem to have predicted much time left as I was only offered palliative care after that.

However,  initially I didn’t get much worse, much to do with the radiotherapy I think. Chemotherapy was then tried but didn’t help to any noticeable degree. Since then the cancer has spread to my liver and is causing a lot of problems with swallowing, so I an losing weight.

This blog picks up after this to tell the story as it continues

One thought on “About

  1. Hi Ted, Chris McCauley here,I hope to get down to see you, I understand that Stan is visiting you today.If things take another turn for the worse ,and I don,t make it down to see you, please know that I will miss you firstly as a good friend, and also much respect to your wonderful melodic artistry on guitar ,you have given a lot of pleasure to those listening,we also had lots of fun along the way,thankfully Ted I have lots of recordings,and I will try to make them available to anyone who wants copies.Glenn sends his regards and I will contact Dewi.
    Love and best wishes,Chris.xx


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