In the Mac Unit

I have just been offered a drink from the Jolly Trolly. I decided a rum and coke would do no harm while I wait for a lift to buy a new laptop to write a blog. This is my second visit to the Macmillan Unit.20130718_150936-1


The first was for five days when I thought I was well enough to return home, which turned out not to be true. I wasn’t well enough to feed myself or carry on with daily routines, and feeling stressed out about being isolated and starving. Not that it was likely but my mind was playing tricks on me

I was discussing having social work intervention but becoming more aware that would not be best, as problems seem to arise on a daily basis. I would benefit much more from being cared for at the Mac Unit or at a nursing home.


The Mac Unit is a hospice or palliative care unit within the structure of Christchurch hospital, but they tend to avoid using the word hospice because it invokes the idea it’s always a one way street. It may also be for recovery from treatment or before returning home or to a nursing home. My own needs seem to fit staying here and looking for a nursing home, as I’m not so ill that I need constant care. I do know I won’t be going back to my flat to live alone.